Tomatoes in tomato juice (1,5 l)

Tomatoes unrefined in tomato juice sterilized

Ingredients: unrefined fresh tomatoes, tomato juice, salt, acetic acid.

Nutritional value of 100g of product: carbohydrates – 3.5 g;

Vitamins, mg: ß-carotene – 1.0; C – 15.0.

Mineral substances, mg: K – 260; Са – 10; Mg-15; P – 35; Fe – 0.8.

Energy value (caloric content) 100g of product – 20 kcal, (84 kJ).

Mass portion of vegetables from net weight – 50%.

Shelf life at storage at temperature from 0 to 25°С and relative humidity not more than 75% – 3 years.


First grade.

SSU 4697: 2006.