High achievements of our enterprise are determined by many awards, such as:

Лидер пищевой и перерабатывающей промышленности.

2004 Leader of food and processing industry.
2005 "The highest test".
2005 Chyhyryn Cannery was awarded with a diploma and a memorable sign for active participation in the exhibition "Days of Food and Beverages" in Odessa.
2006 World Food Ukraine - Award for the tasting contest of the IX International Forum of Manufacturers of Food, Beverages and Ingredients.
2006 Awarding with a commemorative badge "Leader of goods and services of Ukraine".
2006 Under the patronage of the President of Ukraine, Chyhyryn Cannery was awarded the diploma of the winner of the all-Ukrainian action "The Leader of Goods and Services of Ukraine 2006" for his significant contribution to the economic growth of the state.

Высшая проба

2006 Chyhyryn Cannery was awarded with a diploma and a commemorative sign of the laureate of the national contest "The Highest Trial", for the production of high-quality competitive fruit and vegetable conservation under the trade mark «Chyhyryn». Kiev.
2007. World Food Ukraine - Award for the tasting competition of the X-th International Forum of Food, Beverage and Ingredients. Kiev.
2007. Chyhyryn cannery was awarded a diploma and a memorable cup for quality and professionalism. VIII exhibition-forum Ekaterinoslavskaya fair. With the support of the Dnepropetrovsk Regional State Administration. Dnepropetrovsk.

2007. World Food Ukraine Chyhyryn Cannery received Grand Prix for first place in the nomination Natural Canned Vegetables